Over the course of my design career, I’ve discovered some pretty awesome websites that inspire, teach and facilitate the design process. Check out some of my very favorites:
This awesome website lets you browse through the work of other professional artists. It’s a great website for inspiration and the latest trends. You can also showcase your own work on this site.
2. https://blog.spoongraphics.co.uk/
This website has pretty awesome tutorials. They give out a lot of design freebies. They also have various feature articles about design.
For freebies, this website is one of the best ones I’ve come across. You can download templates for most of your collateral needs. They also have icons, backgrounds and my favorite - Text Effects!
4. https://photoshoptrainingchannel.com/
I recommend this website for some good Photoshop tutorials. They are of good video and sound quality.
These are the design sites I turn to to stay fresh and current. What are yours?