Not a day goes by that most of us aren’t reminded to incorporate sustainable living habits into our lives.
Personally, I’d like to see even more of the population incorporate sustainability into their buying habits. The good news is we’re getting there.
A story published in Adweek (Shoppers) reads that, “Over half of U.S. consumers (57%) think it’s important or extremely important for the brands they purchase from to be committed to sustainability.” More and more studies being released are indicating that consumers will change their buying habits to protect the environment. It’s clear that this is a viable audience for advertisers to pursue, and so it’s important for marketers to understand how to reach them.
When it comes to marketing, it is our job at Quillin to precisely determine the audience, demographic, and messaging of our clients. Too often, I see sizable advertising budgets being spent reaching the wrong audience! How can this happen? It’s usually because little or no thought was given to creating a strategic plan for how to reach the right audience.
What do we recommend as professionals? Research!
- Know your customer and their needs.
- Learn what motivates your customers and their buying decisions.
- Be authentic with your messaging.
- Formulate a strategic plan and stick to it.
Be sure to understand what is most important to sustainable shoppers. HINT: It’s the environmental impact of their buying choices. Most clients know what the key benefits of their own products or services are, but many have not taken the time to consider if sustainability is one of them. Start there. If it is, include that in your messaging and many sustainable shoppers will find you.
Lastly, the old axiom, “Birds of a feather stick together” is true. Associate and market your brand with other environmentally conscious brands. Sustainable shoppers are very aware of who does and who doesn’t support their beliefs. Major brands spend millions each year in marketing research for a good reason. You can successfully ride those coattails by following their lead.
In the end, pursuing sustainable shoppers is a positive way to sustain your own business.